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. . . home of the Bison ~ Clearfield PA
Clearfield Football Game Video Directory ~
Due to a technical glitch that I won't bore everyone with, Game Videos from last season and earlier
are no longer showing up on the individual picture pages. Rather than recreate and republish all of
those pages I have instead accumulated all of our videos over the years and catalogued them all here
by season. Another benefit of these videos being published with the new protocol is that they're
viewable on a phone or tablet while before they were not.
There were no Videos for 2014 and 2015 but all other seasons are listed here, back to 2009, the first
year we had any video on the site.
Just click on any season listed above to go to a page that contains all of that year's videos.
Before you do that though, here are some pointers for a better viewing experience ~
On each Video, in the lower right corner there is a square box. Clicking on that box will enlarge the
video to "Full Screen" size.
Even better, you can also go the "YouTube" page on your computer and access my page. Type in
"paul dietzel" and then click on my icon which is a circular crop of the Lady Bison Dugout.
Or, you can even go there right now by clicking on the icon >
From there click "VIDEOS" and you can look at a list of every video I've ever published.
There are more than 500 videos there not only of Bison Football but also Lady Bison
Sports and Clearfield Swimming.
And . . . If you have a Smart TV you can go onto the YouTube page and watch them on there and
they're lots better on an HD TV than on the best computer monitor. Too, with a Smartphone or
tablet you can "cast" them to the Smart TV, but that's just kind of an extra step.
One funny thing about YouTube videos is that they get better with age as though their software
keeps working and improving them as time goes by and I'm not going to argue about it. Beats me.
2009 ~ 2010 ~ 2011 ~ 2012 ~ 2013 ~ 2016 ~ 2017 ~ 2018
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