Bison Football ~ " It's A Family Affair "
From Karen ( Zalno ) Ward ~ I would like to provide some information for the "family affair".....
My son, RJ (Richard) Ward (Class of 2016) #61 is a defensive end and offensive tackle
His uncle, (my brother) Ron Zalno (class of 1978) # 86 was a defensive end
Ron's son, Lee Zalno (class of 2008) #65 was a defensive end
Ron's brother-in-law, Dean Altemus (class of 1978) #42 was a defensive end
Dean's son Justen Altemus (class of 2002) #88 was a defensive end and tight end
Dean's son Jon Altemus (class of 2003) # 72 was a defensive tackle and offensive guard ~
again, a really neat and interesting entry, showing just how much of a "Family Affair"
Clearfield Bison Football truly is - Thanks Karen !
( And Karen's nieces Janelle Zalno (Ron's Daughter) and Lori & Beth Zalno (Jim's Daughters) were all Lady Bison Athletes,
Nelly playing LB Softball and Skillz & Beth in LB Basketball - Ed. )
Recent Player: Corey Shimmel (2016)
Father: Donnie Shimmel (1984 Grad)
Uncles: Dave & Doug Shimmel (1973 Grads, Twins & brothers of Donnie)
& Uncle Jeff Shimmel (1979 Grad; brother of Dave, Doug & Donnie)
Curtis Daub ('15) and Alex Daub ('19)
And some earlier responses ~
Sandy Lord writes ~
Brothers Shane Lord (class of 2011) and Shawn Lord (class of 2013) and an Uncle Dan"Buddha" Lanich (class of 1980) and cousin
Charlie Lanich (class of 2006) who played for the Curwensville Golden Tide. Submitted by Sandy Lord (mom).
From Eric Reinke ~ My late cousin, Dave Spingola, ran for 1200 yds in 1980 as a senior as I blocked for him as a pulling guard.
Dave unfortunately passed away a couple years ago much too soon. Eric Reinke
Drew Jordan played in 1966-'68, Terry Jordan in 1984-'86 and Trey carried on the tradition
in 2010 -'12 ( Father , Son, Grandson )
( Submitted by Terry Jordan whose sister Erin & daughter Brooke are on the girls' basketball "Family Affair" list. )
And I ran into Terry at a game a while back and he mentioned another set Bison Football brothers -
Don and Danny Lynch (and Danny's sonTaye Lynch, #19, CHS '19) , and that he, Terry, is a cousin of
the Wisor brothers mentioned below.
And these ( All submitted by Trina Janocko who of course ought to know a bit on the subject. ) . . .
Coach Rick Redden, Dad, and sons Nick and Andrew Redden
Brothers Jim & Jon McNeil
Brothers Wes & Eric Dahlem
Dad Tim Meckey ( former football coach ), sons Matt & Kurt Meckey
Brothers Zach & Matt Fannin
John Bowman (Class of 07) and Dad Rod Bowman
Doug Kephart, Jr. (Class of 07) and Dad Doug Kephart, Sr.
Brothers Kevin, Kenny and Curtis Wisor
Brothers Dan, Dennis and Derick Yohe
Jamie Quick (former coach and player) and son Nate Quick (Class of '09)
Father Sam & son Adam Lansberry
Father Mike Rowles and son Macayah Rowles (Class of 2012)
To illustrate the kinds of combinations we have in mind, here are just a few of the most obvious
( In other words, ones that even I was able to come up with ) ~
Coach Tim Janocko & son Andrew and Coach Tom Janocko and son Jonathan.
and Andrew's little sister Annie ('09) and Jon's big sister Mallory ('07) played LB Basketball
Coach Forrest Campman and sons Curtis, Jarrin and Trey.
The Morgan brothers - Isiah and Derek.
Brothers Beau and David Ryan ~ and their sister Jayme ('10) & cousin Johanna('11) were LB Basketballers
Bison Quarterback Club President Paul Mc Dermott and sons Pat & Mike.
Coach Dan Putt, brother Stephen, Dad Larry Putt and uncle Bill Putt ~
and Larry & Bill's uncle Vic Jones, Quarterback of the undefeated 10-0 '55 team.
And now, Dan's son Isaac Putt, C.H.S. Class of 2024.
Christian Lezzer (CHS '14, Central Florida), Ryan Lezzer (CHS '17,Western Michigan), recent
WR Jake Lezzer (CHS class of '21) and their uncles Chad & Josh Kroell and great-uncle Tim Potts.
Then of course there's Grandad Kenny Lezzer, Dad K.C. Lezzer, Great Uncle Pete Lezzer, 2nd Cousins
Mike & Dave Lezzer, something cousin Denny Lezzer, and a whole bunch of other Lezzers who all
played up river for the Golden Tide - but that's a subject for another website to handle.
And . . . Christian, Ryan and Jake's first cousin Alex Holland who lit up the scoreboard for the Tide just a few
seasons back. Alex's Dad and Mom are Tim and Diane ( Lezzer ) Holland.

Clearfield Football
. . . home of the Bisons. Clearfield PA
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Back to, is the official website of the Bison Football Quarterback Club
but is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Clearfield Area School District
In looking through Coach Albright's History of CHS Football I noticed that in the years 1929-1932 the
Bison's Head Coach was Mr. Fred E. Sweely and that got me to wondering so I contacted Sandy Myers
for confirmation of my suspicions. Sandy's reply ~
" Paul,
I attempted to send you this information last week, but for some reason or another it never got to you. My computer at home said "Unable to Send" -- or
something like that. Modern technology! More likely, it was un-modern Sandy who hit the wrong keys!!!
Here is what I wrote:
Robbie Myers (Class of 2012)
Grandpa ~ Stan Fink (1950-1952)
Great Grandpa ~ Coach Fred Sweely (1928-1932)
(Robbie's mom and aunts played Powder Puff Football while at CHS -- if that counts: (darned right it counts!) Sharon, Susie, and Sandy Fink) : )
And the B. Fink guy in my dad's class is his cousin Bob. Thanks, Paul!
Sandy "
Wow ~ that's just the kind of neat, little-known kind of stuff we really appreciate.
Mr. Sweely had a long career with the Clearfield School District ~ the 1939 Bison lists him as "Director
of Athletics" and he was later County School Superintendent in the days before the CIU's. He also
played football at Dickinson College from 1924-1927 and is in that school's football Hall of Fame.
In addition, Jess Sweely ( CHS '56 - a cousin of Sandy's Mom, Nancy (Sweely) Fink ), played for
the Bison in 1954 & 1955.
Point-After Specialist Spencer Herrington ( CHS '15 - Worcester Polytechic Instutute ) and Big Brother
Parker ( '09 , who played at the Air Force Academy )
Gabe Ford ( CHS '12 ) and Seth Ford ( '14 ) are brothers. . .
Ben Panebianco ( CHS '13 ) and brother Vince ( '08 ) and Dad (Coach) Rick Panebianco.
Tyler Danver ( '08 ) and Derek Danver ( '11 ) are cousins.
With " It's A Family Affair " we're attempting to document the many Father/Son , Brother/Brother, and other family combinations that have graced Bison Football over the years. And we're asking that visitors here to the site help us out by submitting their information by contacting us.

Recent player sophomore Trevor Wain (CHS '20), Dad Kevin Wain (CHS '85) and Great Uncle Fred
Plummer (CHS '56). Uncle Fred was one of the six CHS grads who all attended West Point at the
same time in the late 1950's. See "CHS and the Academies."
Dad Chris Wingate and son Jake Wingate ( CHS '16 ) are thought to be the first (only ?) father/son
pair to have played on Undefeated Teams - Chris in '94, Jake in '12. See a picture feature HERE
Also, Ryan Wingate ( Jake's Uncle, '04), Glenn Rees, Fremont OH, great grandfather ('55).
In addition, Jake’s great, great uncle, Larry Davis of Clearfield ('59). Jake used to glance at the posters
of all of them on his way down the hallway in the field house before taking the field.
We received an e-mail from the late Mike Bird ( CHS '64 ) with this interesting info, all
going back a few years: "Paul - Wanted to update the Family Affair of the Football Web Page....As I was looking
thru the old football pictures of the Breeze and Bison I found some of the clan....My father (Dr. J.Karl Bird) played
football at CHS in 1917,1919 and 1920 (no season in 1918), my brother (Edward T. Bird) played only one year in 1944
and I played all of Junior High and then High School 1962 and 1963. J. Karl was the most talented...LOL and Editor of
the Breeze.... (Ed. Note - The Breeze was the name of the CHS yearbook before being changed to "the Bison" in 1930.)
Thanks, Mike and R.I.P.
4/28/21 - which was the the first from anyone in nearly two years ~
From Dr. Jodi Grimminger Domico ~
(2020 Season) "Senior Nicolas Domico played with brother freshman Will Domico while being
coached by their father David Domico" (Thanks for the info Doc. I'm going to go ahead and also point out
that Nick & Will's Grandpa (David's dad) Lyle Domico was long-time Head Football Coach upriver at Curwensville.
To complete the circle, Jodi goes on to mention that Nick & Will's other Grandad , Bob Grimminger, was a Bison running
back for awhile under Coach Guy Graham in the late 1960s)
9-16-21, David Knee writes ~ "Good morning Paul. My son Joe Knee is a junior playing for the Bison.
I played under Coach Janocko in '85 and '86, his first and second years as head coach." Dave goes on
to say "It is amazing how many fathers/sons he (Coach Janocko) has coached." Yes, it is and I
encourage any of those fathers or sons who are not already mentioned on this page to pipe-up
and let us know about it. Thanks Dave.